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Why is the strategy necessary now?

In today’s dynamic world, where change happens at the speed of light, an effective strategy is not a luxury, but an absolute necessity. It is the foundation on which we build our brand, reach our audience and achieve success. Why? Let me explain.

Strategy as a starting point

Imagine that you are looking for treasure and you set out on a journey to find it, before setting out you take everything, provisions, tools, but you forget one thing – a map, without which the whole operation is like looking for glasses in the dark. It’s the same with brand strategy. Without a clearly defined plan, we wander in the dark, not knowing where we are going or why we are going.

A successful strategy is our personal guidepost. It helps us answer fundamental questions:

  • Who are we? – What distinguishes us, what values do we hold, what do we want to communicate to the world?
  • Where are we headed? – What are our business and communication goals?
  • How will we get there? – What communication channels will we use, what content will we create, how will we measure the effectiveness of our actions?

With the answers to these questions, we can set a clear course of action and follow it consistently, step by step, being aware of our potential and value.

Stand out or die

Competition in the market is increasing and the audience’s attention is becoming more and more distracted. To break through, we need to stand out. A strategy allows us to build a unique message that reflects our values and shows that there is something more behind our brand.

Whether you’re running a business, blogging or building a personal brand, you have something unique to offer. A communications strategy helps you bring that out and show it to the world. In doing so, you build a strong, recognizable brand that attracts loyal customers and partners.

Chaos? No and again, no.

Without a strategy and a plan, it’s easy to fall into chaos. We publish content blindly, not knowing if it reaches the right people. We waste time and money on activities that don’t work.

A strategy brings order to our activities. It allows us to:

  • Gather everything in one place – by analyzing our own values we create a brand brief, which is the starting point for further activities.
  • Plan marketing activities – before we start publishing, we need to think about all the marketing activities we want to undertake. Their proper synchronization is the key to success.
  • Plan a publication schedule – we know when and where to publish content to reach our target audience.
  • Choose the right communication channels – we focus on those channels where our audience is.
  • Determine the form and subject matter of content – we create content that interests our audience and responds to their needs.
  • Measure the effectiveness of activities – we know what works and what doesn’t, and can optimize our strategy on an ongoing basis.

As a result, we operate more efficiently, save time and money, and our activities bring better results.


Strategy is not just a marketing plan. It’s a starting point in work, business and life. The more consciously we approach the process of creating it, the better prepared we will be to take concrete steps.

If you need help, I’d be happy to share my knowledge and experience to help you create a strategy to move forward.

Contact me, let’s talk.

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